We all know that user research is a crucial part of the product development process. Gathering feedback from users is essential for identifying pain points, improving experience, and creating products that people love to use. But as your testing library grows, it’s challenging to keep track of everything.

Not to worry though – we've got you covered with some exciting new updates to make managing your research easier.

For starters, we’ve made enhancements to our existing projects feature so you can keep your testing library tidy and organized.  

We've also made significant improvements to search functionality and filtering. Now it's easier than ever to find the specific test, project, or variation set you need. And with updates to the Lyssna dashboard, you'll have all the tools you need to streamline your testing process and create products that people enjoy using.

Ready to learn more? Let's take a closer look at these new updates.

Streamline your user research process with improved organization and search

A better way to stay organized

We’ve made some enhancements to our existing projects feature to help you keep things organized and find what you’re looking for more easily.

If you were already using projects in Lyssna, all of your tests will be right where you expect them to be.

But now, when you log into your Lyssna dashboard, recent projects are displayed at the top of the page. Want to create a new project? No worries, it'll appear as a recent project for easy access.

How to create and view projects

You can create a new project from the Dashboard or Projects page by clicking the “Create new project” button.

Streamline your user research process with improved organization and search

Once you have projects set up, you can sort them in several ways:

  • By modified date, showing the newest or oldest projects first

  • By name, either alphabetically or in reverse

You can also choose to view archived projects by selecting this from the dropdown.

Streamline your user research process with improved organization and search

How to manage projects

Organizing your existing tests into a project is simple. You can select individual or multiple tests to move them from the Dashboard or the search results page. You can also select tests from within a project folder and move them to a different project.

Streamline your user research process with improved organization and search

When you're in a project folder and click the “Create new test” button, it will automatically assign your new test to that project. Alternatively, you’ll be prompted to assign a new test to a new or existing project when you create it.

Once you’ve set up your projects, it's easy to manage them. You can share, rename, and archive projects by clicking the three dots. Archiving a project moves it out of view, helping keep your active projects list shorter. Deleting a project is also possible, but be warned, this is a permanent action, and you'll receive a warning message before proceeding.

Improved search functionality

As your testing library grows, it can be challenging to find the specific test, project, or variation set you need. Fortunately, we’ve made improvements to our search functionality and filtering capabilities.

One of the biggest improvements is the addition of a new search page. This page helps surface tests and projects that match your search terms, giving you a more comprehensive overview of your results. When you search for a keyword, you can now view results by test, project, or variation set, making it easier to narrow things down.

Filtering and sorting search results

Besides the new search page, we’ve added several filters to help you sort and filter your results.

From the test results page, you can now filter by:

  • Created and modified date: For example, 1 week ago, 2 months ago, etc.

  • Author: Select individual or multiple authors from your team.

  • Project: Select individual or multiple projects.

  • Section type: Filter by a specific test section type (e.g. tests that include prototype test sections, first click test sections, etc).

  • Variation set: Select individual or multiple variation sets.

Streamline your user research process with improved organization and search

If you've applied filters and want to clear them, simply click "Clear filters" to start over.

When viewing search results for projects and variation sets, you can also sort by modified date (showing the newest or oldest first) or by name (alphabetically or in reverse). You can also choose to view archived projects by selecting this from the dropdown.

These new search and filtering features make finding the test, project, or variation set you need more straightforward. With the ability to sort and filter by various criteria, you can quickly zero in on the results that matter most to you.

Streamline your user research process with improved organization and search

Lyssna dashboard updates

We’ve also made some improvements to the Lyssna dashboard, including:

  • Performance: Dashboard and project pages have been tuned to load quickly (often instantly), even if you have a large number of tests.

  • Icon descriptions: To make test section icons more understandable, we’ve added descriptions that appear when you hover over an icon. This shows what each icon represents and what each test section is about.

  • Test information: You can now see what project and variation set a test belongs to directly from the Dashboard. By clicking on the link, you can go directly to that folder or variation set. This makes navigating your testing library faster and more efficient.

With clearer descriptions and faster load times, finding the information you need is more efficient than ever.

This streamlined process saves time and makes your testing experience more enjoyable, allowing you to focus on what matters most – creating better products.

These updates are available to customers on all Lyssna plans.

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